Two IMO resolutions relating to the Ballast Water Management Convention are coming into effect that change the format of the Ballast Water Record Book (BWRB) and introduce new requirements for the use of electronic BWRBs:
- IMO – Resolution MEPC.369(80) – Amendments to the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004, Amendments to Appendix II (Form of Ballast Water Record Book). Applies from 1 February 2025.
- IMO – Resolution MEPC.383(81) – Amendments to the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004, Amendments to Regulations A-1 and B-2 (Use of Electronic Record Books). Applies from 1 October 2025.
New format BWRB
It is a requirement of the BWM Convention (Reg. B-2) to maintain a BWRB on board that at least contains the information specified in Appendix II of the Convention.
IMO Resolution MEPC.369(80) includes amendments to Appendix II of the BWM Convention and enters into effect on 1 February 2025.
Useful guidance on completion of BWRB entries can be found in BWM.2/Circ.80 (Guidance on ballast water record-keeping and reporting).
Electronic BWRBs
IMO Resolution MEPC.383(81) includes amendments to the BWM Convention, which enter into force on 1 October 2025. The amendments include the following new requirements for the use of electronic BWRBS:
- Approval of the electronic BWRB to the IMO performance standard. (See Guidelines for the use of Electronic Record Book under BMW Convention, IMO Resolution MEPC.372(80)).
- Ship-specific Declaration to be carried on board confirming that the installation of the electronic BWRB meets the requirements of the IMO guidelines.
BWRB Declarations
The Declaration may be issued by the flag Administration, or it may be issued by organisation acceptable to the flag Administration following an installation survey on board, where authorised by flag Administration. The installation survey will require a demonstration that entries can be made by the authorised officers, and that entries can be countersigned and printed for each of the records included in the Declaration.
During surveys or Port State Control inspections, the absence of such a Declaration means an electronic record book (and the records it contains) may not be accepted as fulfilling the record-keeping provisions of the Convention.
Electronic BWRB Type Approval
Shipowners, ship operators, masters and officers of ships should ensure the BWRB complies with the new format, as per Resolution MEPC.369(80), no later than 1 February 2025.
What should shipowners and ship operators do now?
Ships' that use an electronic BWRB are to be issued with a ship-specific approval, either by the ships flag Administration or by an organisation acceptable to the flag Administration, no later than 1 October 2025.
Shipowners and ship operators are reminded that the Convention requires “Ballast Water Record Book entries shall be maintained on board the ship for a minimum period of two years after the last entry has been made and thereafter in the Company's control for a minimum period of three years”.
Reference: Lloyd’s Register Class News